Ubuntu Feisty Fawn

Free/Open Source

The latest version of one of my favorite linux distribution Ubuntu was released on April 19, 2007. I would like to try it, but until today it still in my download manager list, it hasn’t completed. I don’t think it’s necessary to post a review here, you can find many excellent reviews about Ubuntu at Linux.com.

Now check out the ubuntu review at Linux.com.

Ubuntu and Kubuntu Feisty are moderate improvements over the Edgy release, and include enough new software and features to justify upgrading to Feisty or trying it out for the first time if you’ve been waiting to take the Ubuntu plunge.

Feisty delivers most of the features that users were hoping for in Edgy. Ubuntu is getting to the point where it can face mainstream desktops. If that weren’t the case, would Michael Dell be running the OS on his laptop?

Ubuntu Edgy Eft release worked fine with my Acer 3002WTCi, except it failed to detect the screen resolution which is 1280×800. I googled and found some tips about how to set it right, but then I get really frustrated when it reset back to 1024×768. Most of the time it crashed and I had no choice but to shut it down. I also found the same problem with Dapper Drake. So I had to set it manually.

gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

I suspect this problem will still exist in Feisty Fawn, I don’t know, I only hope that it could be fixed with less effort.

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